War of Legends Wiki

Treasure items contain other items, and equipment.

Some treasure items are tokens which may be used to summon a particular famous legend. These items can be found by invading and exploring wildlands, invading special paradises, conquering The Great Battlefield, by playing the Divination Trigram, and by purchasing from the shop.

Other treasure items can be obtained from Special Events, like Halloween.

The Bonus Boxes (of Type A, B, C, D, E and sub variations like E1 etc) are obtained by purchasing WoL Cash - varies depending upon purchase amount.

Ash, Essence, Ether and Relic are obtained by legend conversion using the Change Yin-Yan icon in legend panel. Which chest is received depends upon the level of the legend.

With recent upgrade (May 2012), some treasure items can be obtained from donating legends on the God's List and receiving in return the various Illumination Treasure Chests.


All items (516)
