War of Legends Wiki

Zhou is one possible side that can be chosen when creating an alliance. Zhou's cities have a level twenty-five palace and rampart. There are twenty-four Zhou famous cities.


Master troops are the strongest army you can possibly train. Compared to skilled troops, Master troops have higher attack and tie them for life and defense, (excluding skilled archers and master archers, as master archers have 3 more life than skilled archers).


Zhou's famous city

Comparing with Skilled and Master[]

Halberdier Life Attack Defence Archer Life Attack Defence
Expert 17 12 5 Expert 12 38 5
Skilled 17 10 8 Skilled 12 35 8
Master 17 12 8 Master 15 40 8
Swordsman Life Attack Defence Charioteer Life Attack Defence
Expert 27 14 15 Expert 37 33 25
Skilled 27 14 20 Skilled 37 33 32
Master 27 14 20 Master 37 36 32
  • Master Swordsmen are the same as skilled, but take less time to conscribe.